Category Archives: News


New Year’s Day started with a fabulous hike with Ranger Eric Powers at the Center for Environmental Education & Discovery @ceedlongisland. Learned a lot and spent time with the trees and some nice folks. There were 22 of us. Keep an eye out for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi coming soon! For more information on […]

Holiday Show

You need to come to this gorgeous #holiday show with #NancyKerrigan, songs you remember and rocking new ones, fabulous singers and skaters performing feats that will make your heart pound. The costumes are beautiful and the numbers will cheer you. Bring the kids! Read the article by #LindaLeuzzi in the @liadvance:

Nancy Kerrigan and Shannon Gibbons

Wow! Here’s Nancy Kerrigan (@nancyakerrigan) with top American Idol contestant and Bellport resident Shannon Gibbons (@shannongibbonsofficial). They will be at The Gateway’s Holiday Spectacular on Ice (@the_gateway) all month along with other super talent. Story coming. Check back soon for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi. #NancyKerrigan #shannongibbons #americanidol #bellport #TheGateway #HolidaySpectacularonIce

Linda’s Party

The #Sayville Rotarians came out in force to the Leuzzi house Saturday night. Lots of affection, good fellowship, singing, fabulous food from Butera’s of Sayville (@buterasofsayville), delicious cheese from Say Cheese (@sayvillecheeseli)and wonderful miniature pastries from Audrey’s (@audreysfinebakedgoods). Paris Street Market (@parisstreetmarket2)provided flowers and the centerpiece. It’s good to live in a small town.


Grab your phone, head over to #MeadowCroft and pop on your free #TRAR app. Then go over to the five stations on the grounds and watch Teddy, John Ellis, Robert Barnwell and Nannie Roosevelt discuss the times and events that took place here. You can visit the grounds all year, learn about history, stroll the […]