Category Archives: News

Strong women painted by Czech artist, Adéla Janská

The large portraits of seven beautiful women, vibrant, mysterious, colorful creations that compel the viewer to look closer, are currently at The Something Machine’s “Physical Entities” exhibit featuring Czech artist Adéla Janská’s paintings. It is Janská’s first exhibit in the U.S. of two recent series, “Brides,” and “Metamorphosis.” You can catch Janská’s work at The […]

Fingers crossed for historic preservation of Avery parcel.

Fingers crossed for historic preservation of Avery parcel. Two locals with restaurant experience are interested in turning the Avery Homestead barn in East Patchogue into a destination venue. The county recently placed the property, in the Avery family since the 1700s, on its priority list for land acquisition. Legis. Rob Calarco has pushed for the […]

Claire McCardell – Visionary Women’s Designer

Claire McCardell was a visionary, successful women’s designer in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s and even made a Time magazine cover for her innovative American Look, comfortable, affordable clothing women could wear during the day into evening. Sayville author Debra Scala-Giokas has written two children’s books about Claire as a way to honor her and […]

Dostoevsky with Your Java

Oo la la! French pastries and coffee at the new #Bayport-BluePointLibrary will be featured at the grand opening when Michelle Gillette-Kelly, owner of #Mademoiselle #Patchogue, supplies the library’s café. It’s name: Mademoiselle in the Library. Croissants, muffins, Danish, salads, parfaits, macaroons, beignets, donuts, cupcakes along with the gluten free items Gillette-Kelly is known for, will […]

Pandemonium: Nature and Time Exhibit

Want to be challenged, amused, and provoked? A beautifully rendered mix media sea turtle by Kathleen J Graves is among the more than 30 works in the Pandemonium: Nature and Time exhibit at the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society space awaiting visitors in Bellport. Eight artists, most from Long Island, are displaying fascinating offerings of painting, performance, […]