Category Archives: News

Donna Summer Musical

It’s a real hot time at @the_gateway with Summer: The Donna Summer Musical playing to July 16 at their theater in #Bellport as the three #Broadway and international stars Grace Capeless as teenage Duckling Donna, Afra Hines as Disco Donna and @renee_m_titus as Diva Donna, recreate the important stages in Summer’s life. The 22 hit […]

Bellport Garden Club

The Bellport Garden Club held a stunning garden tour of five #gardens recently. It was a lovely way to spend and afternoon and appreciate nature. Clap! Clap! Clap! To those who let us in their gardens as well as the Bellport Garden Club for their enduring, earnest efforts. This one was at 5 Mott Lane […]

Gillette House Makeover

Greater Sayville Food Pantry executive director Charlene Lehman led this journalist on a tour of the newly renovated grand home, the #GilletteHouse, that dates back to 1843. After years of neglect, leaks, hanging ceilings, peeling walls, it’s finally a true historic centerpiece for this hamlet as well as now a comfortable meeting space for several […]

Tiny Raccoon Books

Daniel McGowan, a lover of books, officially opened his new book store Tiny Raccoon Books in #Sayville with music, sweet creatures from Sweetbriar Nature Center, a celebrated author and over 3,500 books to peruse through. He’s on Railroad Avenue. Stop by. Here’s the story by #LindaLeuzzi in the @liadvance:

Patchogue Pride

Woo! Hoo! The Patchogue #Pride Parade was a blast with @Cheryl A Felice as the Grand Marshal. #Patchogue’s Main Street was jubilant. Here’s the link to the article by @Shoshanna McCollum in the @Fire Island News:

Library Book Talk

Linda Leuzzi has the “V” for Victory sign from Bayport-Blue Point Library Director #MikeFirestone (right) and Board President #RonDevine (left) for her book “#MyYearWiththeItalianGirl.” Linda will be at the @bbplibrary on Wednesday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m. for a free book talk and interview conducted by both gentlemen. Come hear the local and international basis […]

Good Morning Bellport

Get your gorgeous blooms here early Saturday mornings at Good Morning Bellport stationed in front of Bellport General where you can grab a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze with owners #FabianBernal, #JustinVanFleet, their helpers #SidneyYablonk and social media promoter #CarolinaJara. (You might just be in a video!) Perk yourself up and go for […]


Come to @the_gateway in #Bellport and be mesmerized by their production of “Evita.” It’s a full-tilt rock opera with heart-pounding singing and dancing from its cast and ensemble. It’s also a riveting history lesson about #Argentina’s first lady. It’s playing through May 28. Read the review by #lindaleuzzi for the @liadvance: