Category Archives: News

Two Cool Princesses at The Gateway

How lucky can you get? Recently interviewed Charissa Hogeland @charissahogeland (left) who plays Elsa and Emily Grace Tucker @emilygracetucker (right), her sister Anna in the production of “Frozen.” Look for the preview interview including director Larry Raben @larryraben in the LI Advance @liadvance. Story by #LindaLeuzzi coming soon. The show starts Friday, March 7th in […]

Isabella Rossellini “Conclave” Interview

Let’s give a shout out and hopes for an Oscar to Isabella Rossellini @isabellarossellini. Here’s my December, 2024 Fire Island & Great South Bay News @fireislandnews interview with Isabella on her role in “Conclave.” Story by @Linda.Leuzzi, pages 16-17. Photography by Patrice Casanova @patricecasanova. LIKE – FOLLOW – SHARE! #Conclave #Oscars #FireIslandNews

New home in Blue Point for GiGi’s Playhouse

The recent purchase of the old Bayport-Blue Point Library to GiGi’s Playhouse-LI (@gigisplayhouselongisland) was happy news thanks to everyone involved. Read the full story in by @Linda.Leuzzi in the @LIAdvance.,96332 #GigisPayhouseLI #BBPNews #LINews #LIndaLeuzzi

Holtsville Ecology Center

Read this story by @Linda.Leuzzi in the @LIAvance about the Holtsville Ecology Center, the allegations from two respected animal humane groups who tried to help and Brookhaven Town’s response.,96402 #HoltsvilleEcologyCenter #TownofBrookhaven #LINews #LindaLeuzzi


The movie ”Conclave” with @isabellarossellini is a stunning production of drama, human frailties, poignancy, wrestling with spiritual dilemmas. Isabella provided wonderful comments for my interview with the Fire Island News. #Conclave #LongIsland #LongIslandNews #FireIslandNews #GreatSouthBay

Gateway White Christmas

Who would have thought two The Gateway actors from “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas the Musical” would walk into Pamela Lerner Home & Design (Pamela Lerner) with the Advance, happy about the front-page review. I’m with Melissa Lynne Jones (@melissajones_21) and Daryn Polzin (@daryn.polzin), who hail from Kentucky, but now in #NewYorkCity, staying in Gateway digs. […]