How lucky can you get? Recently interviewed Charissa Hogeland @charissahogeland (left) who plays Elsa and Emily Grace Tucker @emilygracetucker (right), her sister Anna in the production of “Frozen.” Look for the preview interview including director Larry Raben @larryraben in the LI Advance @liadvance. Story by #LindaLeuzzi coming soon. The show starts Friday, March 7th in […]
Category Archives: News
Let’s give a shout out and hopes for an Oscar to Isabella Rossellini @isabellarossellini. Here’s my December, 2024 Fire Island & Great South Bay News @fireislandnews interview with Isabella on her role in “Conclave.” Story by @Linda.Leuzzi, pages 16-17. Photography by Patrice Casanova @patricecasanova. LIKE – FOLLOW – SHARE! #Conclave #Oscars #FireIslandNews
Very surprised, honored and humbled to be chosen honorees of The Rollstone Foundation’s gala this year. Hoping people will support this great not for profit however they can. Hugs to Pam, Mike and the board. Learn more about The Rollstone Foundation at
The recent purchase of the old Bayport-Blue Point Library to GiGi’s Playhouse-LI (@gigisplayhouselongisland) was happy news thanks to everyone involved. Read the full story in by @Linda.Leuzzi in the @LIAdvance.,96332 #GigisPayhouseLI #BBPNews #LINews #LIndaLeuzzi
Thrilled to Interview The Addams Family leads, director and music director also Gateway executive artistic director recently. Read the preview in the @LIAdvance on Thurs. Jan. 16. The show opens Jan. 24 to Feb. 16 @the_gateway in Bellport. In the photo, left to right, Andrew Haile Austin (musical director) @haileaustin, Aaron De Jesus (Gomez) @aaron.dejesus, […]
Read this story by @Linda.Leuzzi in the @LIAvance about the Holtsville Ecology Center, the allegations from two respected animal humane groups who tried to help and Brookhaven Town’s response.,96402 #HoltsvilleEcologyCenter #TownofBrookhaven #LINews #LindaLeuzzi
Craig and Wendy Clare of Bayport have accepted Grand Marshal designation for the 2025 Bayport-Blue Point St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This humble couple, who have incorporated about a million volunteer hours in community work, will be driven by Craig’s dad in his 1965 Triumph TR4A for the procession. The Grand Marshal dinner Jan. 21 at […]
Gallery and studio owners along with businesses who sell art in #Bellport gathered recently for a New Year shot to entice customers to visit and witness their art. In the photo: (left to right) Pamela Lerner of Pamela Lerner Home & Design (@pamela_lerner), LuAnn Thompson of Bellport Arts & Framing (@bellportframer), Tonja Pulfer of Marquee […]
The movie ”Conclave” with @isabellarossellini is a stunning production of drama, human frailties, poignancy, wrestling with spiritual dilemmas. Isabella provided wonderful comments for my interview with the Fire Island News. #Conclave #LongIsland #LongIslandNews #FireIslandNews #GreatSouthBay
Who would have thought two The Gateway actors from “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas the Musical” would walk into Pamela Lerner Home & Design (Pamela Lerner) with the Advance, happy about the front-page review. I’m with Melissa Lynne Jones (@melissajones_21) and Daryn Polzin (@daryn.polzin), who hail from Kentucky, but now in #NewYorkCity, staying in Gateway digs. […]