Was honored to be interviewed about my book “My Year With the Italian Girl” by Linda Maria Frank @lindamariafrank for her show the Writer’s Dream recently at the LTV Studio in Wainscott. Watch the video and share, follow & like! #WritersDream #MyYearWithTheItalianGirl #LindaLeuzzi #LindaMariaFrank
Author Archives: skcreat
Feel stuck in your career? Deborah Brown-Volkman has the answers for going forward. A successful career coach, she’s written a book “Childhood Trauma. Some Rise. Some Fall” as a way to help people. Here’s her story as featured in the @liadvance, written by #LindaLeuzzi. (Subscription may be required.) https://www.longislandadvance.net/stories/rising-up-from-childhood-trauma,94581? #LifeCoach #CareerHelp #GoodReads #liadvance
Bellport Village’s Oasis Realty Group (@oasisrealtyli) founder Nick Sekela met Martha Stewart, the famous lifestyle goddess, on vacation in the #Bahamas. Stewart revealed to Sekela she was designing a garden for a friend in #Brookhaven hamlet. Read all about it in the story by #LindaLeuzzi in the @liadvance: https://www.longislandadvance.net/stories/when-martha-met-nick,94589? #OasisRealtyGroup #MarthaStewart #Bellport #BellportVillage
The beautiful, joyous production of Gateway’s “In the Heights” is already engaging audiences, taking some back to their ancestor’s struggles and for some, their roots. It’s just lovely. Check out the story in the @liadvance by #LindaLeuzzi and go. https://www.longislandadvance.net/stories/pulsing-latin-beats-moving-stories-infuse-gateways-in-the-heights,94535 From The Creator Of #Hamilton, Music and Lyrics by #Lin-ManuelMiranda @the_gateway @_ryanalvarado_ @vinceortega @aliamunsch @ciscamusic […]
Hola! Get ready to salsa, mambo, hip hop in the audience when “In the Heights” opens at The Gateway (the_gateway)on March 15. Lead actor, Ryan Alvarado (@_ryanalvarado_) who plays Usnavi de la Vega, the narrator, and director/choreographer Vincent Ortega (@vinceortega) discussed this multiple Tony award-winning musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda (@lin_manuel) about the hopes and dreams […]
Hola! Get ready to salsa, mambo, hip hop in the audience when “In the Heights” opens at The Gateway (the_gateway)on March 15. Lead actor, Ryan Alvarado (@_ryanalvarado_) who plays Usnavi de la Vega, the narrator, and director/choreographer Vincent Ortega (@vinceortega) discussed this multiple Tony award-winning musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda (@lin_manuel) about the hopes and dreams […]
Tyler Healy was among the Auto Body artists who took over an empty space by storm with their imaginative exhibits. Tyler has continued with his creative work and you can catch his latest artistry in the window of Marquee Projects this weekend, “Scooters 2024” a respectful nod to the ice scooters that once bounded across […]
Mosey down to 32 Foster Avenue in Sayville to Brunch Sayville for home-cooked brunch specials Wednesday through Sunday by owner and chef #MichellePanciarello with colleagues, cook/manager #HeatherFlaherty and hostess/manager #BrianneBailey. The food is delicious; the place is adorable. Read the article by #LindaLeuzzi for the @liadvance: https://www.longislandadvance.net/detail.html?sub_id=f7134e51fd #BrunchSayville #LongIslandNews
Invasive plants tangling up boats, impeding #BrookTrout spawn, and other fish species from swimming more freely are being addressed by Brookhaven Town, via a $25,000 NYS grant award. Work starts soon. Read the article by #LindaLeuzzi for the @liadvance: https://www.longislandadvance.net/detail.html?sub_id=7225f6ce0f #invasiveplants #LongIsland #LongIslandNews #SwanLake #Brookhaven #preservation
Superb singing and dancing with themes of being true to yourself, the importance of family, changing with the times and ultimately, leaving of one’s homeland because of brutal policies plays before you in this brilliant production at @the_gateway. Here they are singing “Tradition,” a wowser! Go see it! Read the article by Linda Leuzzi for […]