Author Archives: Linda Leuzzi


New Year’s Day started with a fabulous hike with Ranger Eric Powers at the Center for Environmental Education & Discovery @ceedlongisland. Learned a lot and spent time with the trees and some nice folks. There were 22 of us. Keep an eye out for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi coming soon! For more information on […]

Nancy Kerrigan and Shannon Gibbons

Wow! Here’s Nancy Kerrigan (@nancyakerrigan) with top American Idol contestant and Bellport resident Shannon Gibbons (@shannongibbonsofficial). They will be at The Gateway’s Holiday Spectacular on Ice (@the_gateway) all month along with other super talent. Story coming. Check back soon for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi. #NancyKerrigan #shannongibbons #americanidol #bellport #TheGateway #HolidaySpectacularonIce

Linda’s Party

The #Sayville Rotarians came out in force to the Leuzzi house Saturday night. Lots of affection, good fellowship, singing, fabulous food from Butera’s of Sayville (@buterasofsayville), delicious cheese from Say Cheese (@sayvillecheeseli)and wonderful miniature pastries from Audrey’s (@audreysfinebakedgoods). Paris Street Market (@parisstreetmarket2)provided flowers and the centerpiece. It’s good to live in a small town.