New Year’s Day started with a fabulous hike with Ranger Eric Powers at the Center for Environmental Education & Discovery @ceedlongisland. Learned a lot and spent time with the trees and some nice folks. There were 22 of us. Keep an eye out for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi coming soon! For more information on […]
Author Archives: Linda Leuzzi
Raise your spirits and drive into Bellport Village or take a stroll and enjoy the brightness of the season thanks to Fireworks by Grucci (@FireworksbyGrucci). See the village’s 52 stores lit up and don’t forget the Saturday Stroll on Dec. 17. Stores will be open to 8 p.m. Read the full story by #LindaLeuzzi in […]
Wow! Here’s Nancy Kerrigan (@nancyakerrigan) with top American Idol contestant and Bellport resident Shannon Gibbons (@shannongibbonsofficial). They will be at The Gateway’s Holiday Spectacular on Ice (@the_gateway) all month along with other super talent. Story coming. Check back soon for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi. #NancyKerrigan #shannongibbons #americanidol #bellport #TheGateway #HolidaySpectacularonIce
Phil Grucci, CEO and Creative Director of Fireworks by Grucci (@fireworksbygrucci) sat down for an interview recently. It’s the third year his initiative, illuminating #BellportVillage with LED lights, is making Main Street look spectacular. Check back soon for the full story by #LindaLeuzzi.
Grateful for the lovely reviews. Hope they inspire readers of this post to purchase the book as a holiday gift and support a local author. One reviewer, in fact, pointed out the Christmas Eve dinner that main character Vivian celebrates with her diverse company. It’s a heart warmer, as is the book. Available on Amazon: […]
Grateful for the lovely reviews. Hope they inspire readers of this post to purchase the book as a holiday gift and support a local author. One reviewer, in fact, pointed out the Christmas Eve dinner that main character Vivian celebrates with her diverse company. It’s a heart warmer, as is the book. Available on Amazon: […]
The #Sayville Rotarians came out in force to the Leuzzi house Saturday night. Lots of affection, good fellowship, singing, fabulous food from Butera’s of Sayville (@buterasofsayville), delicious cheese from Say Cheese (@sayvillecheeseli)and wonderful miniature pastries from Audrey’s (@audreysfinebakedgoods). Paris Street Market (@parisstreetmarket2)provided flowers and the centerpiece. It’s good to live in a small town.
Grateful for the lovely reviews. Hope they inspire readers of this post to purchase the book as a holiday gift and support a local author. One reviewer, in fact, pointed out the Christmas Eve dinner that main character Vivian celebrates with her diverse company. It’s a heart warmer, as is the book. Available on Amazon: […]
Two-time Olympic skating champ #NancyKerrigan with a cast of 17 will get you into a joyful, festive spirit with #TheGateway’s Holiday Spectacular on Ice at their #Bellport theater. This musical is fun, happy and rivals anything on Broadway. Get your tickets, it’s playing to Jan. 1. Read the full article by #LindaLuezzi in the @liadvance. […]
Grateful for the lovely reviews. Hope they inspire readers of this post to purchase the book as a holiday gift and support a local author. One reviewer, in fact, pointed out the Christmas Eve dinner that main character Vivian celebrates with her diverse company. It’s a heart warmer, as is the book. Available on Amazon: […]